Thursday 14 June 2012

Lesson of the Day : Climb the Stairs

Ok. I love kids. I really do. I love their sweet chubby little hands and their innocent view of the world. That said, sometimes I like to have some adult-time, with a glass of wine and some QUIET. Which I think I deserve.

Mainly because I have made the choice to not have children yet, I do not feel that, as an innocent bystander, I should be subject to the temper-tantrums of naughty children whose parents are too lazy to discipline. Yes - I said it - just because you can drown out your horrid spawn's screams doesn't mean I have. (This sentiment extends to children pulling my hair over the chairs in an airplane).

ANYWHOO. My lesson of the day is...when in a restaurant surrounded by children, always choose to sit on the mezzanine / second floor, for the simple reason that parents of young children will avoid stairs like the plague!!

So climb the stairs and enjoy that wine...

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