Tuesday 29 May 2012

But is it art ?

As some of you may know, the Film and Publications Board has been approached to classify The Spear painting, previously on the City Press Website, as pornographic or having pornographic content. Now the FPB has found that they don't have jurisdiction to hear the matter, and so they have not actually dealt with the question of whether it is in fact pornographic in nature. All the juicy details (and rather alarming comments from the FPB) can be found at the Mail & Guardian Website.

So...without expressing an opinion on this, and without any details regarding the arguments for and against the application, I can only imagine that the main reason for the application is that the Presidents *ahem* spear is in full view.

THUS, with those requirements in mind, I thought I would post a few other works of Art that the President, ANC et cetera may take issue with.

Happy hunting...

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