Thursday 31 May 2012

Ahhh...the sweet smell of coffee!

Morning la tricks! If you are even remotely similar to your dear blogger, then you would not be able to face the day without at least one mug of hot, strong, very-much-caffeinated filter coffee made from freshly-ground coffee beans....sigh.


Wednesday 30 May 2012

We’re so young. We’re so young...We have so much time.

Greetings la tricks. I read something today that, in the midst of the chaos and noise that is life, made me pause.
Time published an article about a young Yale student whose Final Essay went viral after her tragic death a few days after graduation.

I quote a portion of Marina Keegan's Final Essay in that, 'What we have to remember is that we can still do anything. We can change our minds. We can start over. Get a post-bac or try writing for the first time. The notion that it’s too late to do anything is comical. It’s hilarious. We’re graduating college. We’re so young. We can’t, we MUST not lose this sense of possibility because in the end, it’s all we have.'.

And here is what made me pause : The sense of possibility and the idea that we can do anything, I think is, something that we should all hold on too, no matter how old and jaded we become.  But the death of this young woman brings home that maybe, just maybe, we shouldn't wait. Do not wait to start over. Do not wait to change your mind. Do not wait to do anything. Because, while it may not be too late to do anything TODAY, there may not actually be a tomorrow.

Ladies and Gents, do yourselves a favour and take a few minutes to read the Final Essay. Think about it. Mull over it. Keep it with you. Discard it immediately.Do whatever you wish, just DON'T WAIT to do it at all.

This post is written with the utmost respect and sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Marina Keegan and all who knew her.

Zapped by Zapiro...

Tuesday 29 May 2012

But is it art ?

As some of you may know, the Film and Publications Board has been approached to classify The Spear painting, previously on the City Press Website, as pornographic or having pornographic content. Now the FPB has found that they don't have jurisdiction to hear the matter, and so they have not actually dealt with the question of whether it is in fact pornographic in nature. All the juicy details (and rather alarming comments from the FPB) can be found at the Mail & Guardian Website.

So...without expressing an opinion on this, and without any details regarding the arguments for and against the application, I can only imagine that the main reason for the application is that the Presidents *ahem* spear is in full view.

THUS, with those requirements in mind, I thought I would post a few other works of Art that the President, ANC et cetera may take issue with.

Happy hunting...

Monday 28 May 2012

Full Spear Ahead?

We haven't seen a piece of art raise so many eyebrows since Jack sketched Rose like one of his french-girls... All politically responsible la Tricks should be well aware of a little piece of art, and I thought it most interesting to include a Canadian version of our own little drama...

Thursday 24 May 2012

Music of the Night...

If there is one thing that must be added to the bucket-list of all la tricks, it is The Phantom of the Opera. Currently showing in Johannesburg, it is a must see for all those with heart, soul and a small obsession with the angst of forbidden love! If 'Music of the Night' and 'All I ask of You' does not fill your mind and feed your soul then there is nothing more that I have to say to you...